For the first time in India, domestic electronics brand Mivi has released the Fort S60 and Fort S100 sound bars. This is a brand-new product in the home audio market. These were created specifically for Indian users. Both have built-in subwoofers that, in addition to being compact, provide bass in the music. The company’s factory in Hyderabad is where these products are made. Flipkart and Mivi’s websites are selling the Fort S60 and Fort S100. Their respective prices are Rs 3,499 and Rs 4,999.
Fort S60 and Fort S100 have the following features:
These soundbars have 2.2 channels of music that reverberates all around you. The 2.2 channel system will deliver excellent sound whether you’re watching a movie, listening to music, or playing a game. The soundbars are slim and gleaming. It can give your home a fantastic appearance.
Aside from that, these soundbars have a variety of input modes. They have simple plug-and-play capabilities. Bluetooth, AUX, Coaxial, and USB are all examples of this. All of this adds up to a fantastic package for users. The consumer can now enjoy the cinema from the comfort of his own home. Remote controls are also included with the Mivi Fort S60 and Fort S100, allowing you to control the soundbar’s functions and volume settings.
Aside from that, the Mivi Fort S60 and Fort S100 have three sound modes: music, movies, and news. Users can adjust the settings to their preferences while listening to music, watching movies, or listening to the news using this method.