Rahul hits back at Modi: ‘Grandfather served the nation’

Congress leader Rahul Gandhi on Tuesday targeted PM Narendra Modi. On the issue of Modi’s repeated mention of Jawaharlal Nehru, Rahul said that my great-grandfather served the country, he gave his whole life to this country. I don’t need anyone’s certificate for my great-grandfather.

‘PM Modi did not answer my three questions’

He told reporters in the Parliament complex, “He is afraid of Congress, he is nervous because Congress speaks the truth. They have a whole marketing business, they have relationships, they have friends, lies are spread. In such a situation, there must be fear in him.” Rahul said, “The entire speech of the Prime Minister was about the Congress, about Jawaharlal Nehru. But the Prime Minister did not say anything about what the BJP did. There is something or the other, there is some fear.” According to him, “I had three things somewhere. The first thing is that two Hindustans are being made, one of which is for crores of people and the other for a few rich people.

“Secondly, I had said that all our institutions are being captured one after the other, which is causing loss to the country. Thirdly, I had said that China and Pakistan have become one due to the insolvent foreign policy of the Prime Minister. Very dangerous thing for the country. The Prime Minister did not answer these three things.

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Rahul further said, “He (PM Modi) is afraid of Congress because Congress speaks the truth. PM’s entire speech was on Congress. What did Congress do, what did not. But the three things I said in the House, Prime Minister did not respond to any of them. I had said earlier also about Kovid that there is a threat from Kovid and no one listened to me. I have said in the House that there is a threat from Pakistan and China and it should be taken seriously , but it was not even heard.

Ritika Kadiya
Ritika Kadiya
As a journalist, Ritika kadiya has contributed to many online publications including the Huffing Post.

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