Prime Minister Narendra Modi has spoken openly on many issues

Prime Minister Narendra Modi has openly discussed a number of issues in the run-up to the assembly elections in Uttar Pradesh, Punjab, Uttarakhand, Manipur, and Goa. In the midst of the election season, this interview is particularly noteworthy.

‘There is a BJP wave in every state,’ says one observer.

When asked about the election, Prime Minister Narendra Modi stated that the BJP was riding high in all states. He claimed that in this election, he is seeing a wave of support for the BJP in all states, and that the BJP will win by a large margin. The people of these five states will give us the opportunity to serve them. The states that have allowed us to serve have put us to the test and seen our work.

PM Modi’s remarks on Ajay Mishra Teni

When asked about the Lakhimpur Kheri case and Ajay Mishra Teni, the Prime Minister stated that the state government agreed to the Supreme Court’s request to form a committee. The investigation was agreed to by the government, which was in charge of the investigation. The state government operates in a transparent manner and only makes decisions in accordance with the Supreme Court’s wishes.

After losing, the BJP began to win.

PM Modi claimed that the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) only began to win after losing. Many people have been convicted and their bail has been forfeited. We once asked why sweets were being distributed after losing elections during Jan Sangh, and they replied, “Why are we distributing sweets when they lose?” It was then revealed that three of our people’s bails had been saved.

Ritika Kadiya
Ritika Kadiya
As a journalist, Ritika kadiya has contributed to many online publications including the Huffing Post.

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