On the Meta-owned instant messaging app WhatsApp, there has long been a demand for sharing large files. Users have been having a lot of trouble sharing large files on WhatsApp, but that is about to change. According to the report, a new WhatsApp update will be released soon, allowing users to easily share files up to 2 GB on the platform.
The new update will be available for both iOS and Android, according to WABetainfo, though it is currently being tested on the beta version. Users can currently share files up to 100 megabytes. In Argentina, WhatsApp is testing 2GB file sharing on both iOS and Android beta versions. The new feature is available in WhatsApp beta versions,, and for Android, as well as for iOS.
In fact, in the last year, the quality of people’s phones’ cameras has greatly improved, and as a result, people want to share large files but are unable to do so due to limitations. In such a situation, the ability to share files up to 2 GB will be extremely useful, though it is unclear when the ability to share images in full resolution will be available. WhatsApp compresses files that are sent via the app.
Soon, there will be a reaction feature.
WhatsApp is set to release six new emoji reactions in the near future. WhatsApp’s new update will only be available to Android beta users. According to the report, Android WhatsApp users will be able to respond to any message after this update. We’re happy to inform you that the emoji reaction is now available on Instagram and Facebook Messenger. On Discord, Slack, and Telegram, emoji reactions are already available.